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Nestled in the heart of a serene environment that harmoniously blends modernity and heritage, our customisable Movement Studio offers a tranquil setting for wellness enthusiasts. With the capacity to accommodate up to 12 people, this private haven provides an idyllic space for group yoga, Pilates, and stretching sessions. The fusion of contemporary design elements and traditional aesthetics creates an ambiance that fosters relaxation and mindfulness.

As you immerse yourself in the soothing atmosphere, you will be inspired by the gentle merging of the past and present, providing a sense of connection to history while also embracing the comforts of modern living. The studio’s connection to the pool area further enhances the overall experience, allowing for seamless transitions between water-based activities and land-based exercises. The pool’s calming waters serve as an ideal backdrop for meditation and other wellbeing practices, facilitating a deeper sense of inner peace and balance.

Whether you are a seasoned practitioner or a curious beginner, our versatile space caters to all skill levels, fostering personal growth and self-discovery. Experience the perfect blend of modernity amidst heritage in this tranquil setting, and allow yourself to be rejuvenated, body, mind, and soul.
